How Call Analytics can help you make better staffing decisions.

Staffing is the secret sauce of any good business. It’s not just about hiring the right people though; you also have to use their skills to take your business to the next level.
There are a lot of ways to figure this out, but one approach you might not have considered is paying attention to how many times your phone rings. Of course, this isn’t easy. You could get dozens to hundreds of calls a day, so how are you expected to count them all and note the day and time?
Using call analytics to understand how busy you are.
You’re in luck. With Ooma Office Pro, you can use the new Call Analytics feature to get an overview of when your calls come in with easy-to-use charts.

You can see how many calls you get a day and when those calls come through. In our handy call distribution chart , you’ll be able to easily spot peak calling periods because those blocks of time will be shaded darker. So you can instantly see that Monday at 12 p.m. is when you’re getting the most call volume.
This will allow you to direct additional staff to work during busier times and cut down on staffing when it’s not as busy.
Measuring call duration by day and week.
That’s not the only chart you have. You can also look at your call metrics by day and week. You’ll be able to see the average call duration and call count in 3-hour intervals over the course of the day or week.
So you’ll be able to see that on Tuesday you get a lot of calls but they’re brief, and on Wednesday you don’t get a lot of calls but they take more time to resolve.
This information can help you prep your staff for certain days. For example, if you notice you get a lot of short calls during the first day of a sale, you can tell your team to expect calls about the sale and your store.
Missed, outgoing and internal calls.
If you’ve got a staff shortage during busier times, that will likely result in missed calls. Your staff will be so overwhelmed with work you might not be able to pick up. Ooma Office Call Analytics can help you see when these missed calls are happening so that you can adjust your scheduling to compensate.
You can also measure when your team is making outgoing calls and if they’re missing your customers. You’ll be able to see whether certain times of the week and day are good or bad for your customers.
You can also track when your staff makes the most internal calls, allowing you to see when they need help.

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