Patricia M. on May 30, 2023
Really great sound quality and connection. I really like the old school answering machine feature for voicemail.
Have had these phones for 3 years. Inexpensive and their customer service is oustanding.
I really enjoy this and helps with my budget.Was also, very easy to install as I did it myself.
Jeanne H. on May 11, 2023
What a great concept with Ooma. I like it very much.
Best option to a landline
Angela B. on Apr 29, 2023
So happy I found this, was able to port my house number that we’ve had for 20+ years.
We have been using Ooma for over four years and are completely satisfied with the service. Calls are free anywhere within Canada (the landline only offered free local calls) and are consistently clear. We only have the Basic service but this includes ‘call waiting’, which the expensive landline didn’t. The only feature we like to have is ‘caller display’, and our existing phones have that. Ooma offers so much more than a landline for a fraction of the cost at only C$6 a month!
Carlos S. on Apr 19, 2023
Debbie C. on Apr 18, 2023
Very happy with it and everyone I talk to have been so friendly and helpful
Debbie C. on Apr 17, 2023
I love the price and everyone I talk to were very friendly and helpful