Ooma Home Security Blog

Person sitting at home office.

Home office safety: How to safeguard your home business.

June 21, 2019

Protecting your home is already a tough challenge, but it’s even more difficult for those of us who run a small business out of our homes. Not only do you have to protect your loved ones and valuables, you have to protect your livelihood. Here’s how to do it.
Woman walking into home.

The 10 best places to put your security cameras.

June 19, 2019

Security cameras are an important part of protecting your home, but successfully using a security camera requires putting it in the right spot. These are the best places to put your camera.
Burglar scouting a home.

8 Common Home Security Mistakes

June 19, 2019

It can be tempting to think you’re safe from burglaries, but common mistakes can actually increase your chances of a break-in. Here’s how to avoid them.
New homeowners moving in.

New Homeowners Guide to Home Security

June 19, 2019

Moving into a new home is a stressful experience, but there are a number of things you can do to make sure your new home is protected.
wired vs wireless security systems

Wireless vs Wired Security Systems

June 17, 2019

You’ve decided to invest in a home security system to protect your home, but you have one major question: Is wired or wireless better for your home?
DIY Home Security in Multifamily Buildings - blog post image

DIY Home Security in Multifamily Buildings

October 15, 2018

The use of smart security is on the rise, and consumer demand is expected to increase by approximately.