Affordable International Rates Keep You Connected to Poland

Calling Poland from the U.S. is one of the best ways to stay in touch with relatives and friends in Warsaw, Katowice, Lublin or Poland’s Baltic city, Gdańsk. You might not feel comfortable visiting Poland in person right now or have the time or money to do so. That doesn’t mean you have to lose touch.
You simply need a good answer for how to call Poland from the U.S. without running up a large phone bill. Thankfully, there are several ways to do it. Whether you want to say hi on Easter or congratulate a student on Juwenalia, having an inexpensive way to pick up the phone and call any Polish phone number makes a difference.
Call Poland with unlimited international calling.
Think back to last week or last month for a moment. Did you make multiple calls to Poland? In that case, an unlimited option to call Poland from the U.S. might be a good fit for you. In fact, you might end up saving each time you decide to spend some time calling Poland from the U.S.
The Ooma World Plan gives you unlimited calling to landline phones in Poland. That’s not all you get, though. The service also includes unlimited calling to other European countries, such as landlines in Germany and Estonia. Since there are more than 50 million mobile phones in Poland, the Ooma World Plan gives you a per-minute calling rate of just a few cents per minute for calls to mobile phones in Poland.
If you don’t want to worry about watching the clock when calling Poland, the Ooma World Plan Plus is a good calling option. This calling plan gives you unlimited calling to landline and mobile phone numbers in Poland. That’s not all though. You also get unlimited calling to dozens of countries. For example, let’s look at countries bordering Poland. By signing up for the Ooma World Plan Plus, you get unlimited calling to Germany and the Slovak Republic. You also get unlimited calls to landlines in the Czech Republic. Low per-minute call rates are available for Belarus, Lithuania and Ukraine.
Whether you use the Ooma World Plan or the Ooma World Plus Plan, calling Poland from the United States has never been more affordable! Now, what if you have a chance to visit Poland for the festival of Wianki, Christmas or simply to see family? Ooma has you covered for those travels as well.
Using your Ooma phone service when traveling to Poland.
Ooma customers can use Ooma’s free calling app to access their Ooma phone service when they’re away from home.
The calling app won’t replace the phone number that comes with your smartphone. Instead, it gives you an alternate way to make phone calls. Using the Ooma app can save you 90% on international rates, which can be costly with traditional cellular phone service.
No matter where you are, you can use the app to make unlimited calls to U.S. numbers or to check your voicemail. Ooma Premier subscribers can also receive calls on the app. The app does use your device’s internet connection, so connecting to Wi-Fi can help you avoid cellular data charges. Fortunately, Wi-Fi connections are widely available in Poland.
Depending on the source you check, you will find different details about Wi-Fi availability in Poland. According to, there are more than 300,000 Wi-Fi hotspots in Poland. Warsaw, the capital city of Poland, is considered to have more than 50,000 free Wi-Fi options. In Krakow, the same website estimates there are over 20,000 Wi-Fi hotspots. Smaller cities may have fewer Wi-Fi hot spots. If you travel outside of Poland’s major cities, you may find it more difficult to find free Wi-Fi connections. In that case, it is a smart idea to call Poland and ask a friend for tips on where to find free Wi-Fi for the places you will be visiting during your Polish adventure.
Whether you’re in your hometown Christmas fair or you’ve traveled to the Christmas markets of Poland, the Ooma app lets you access your affordable calling rates when it’s most convenient for you.
Why Ooma’s free mobile calling app is the perfect travel accessory.
Planning a major international trip can be stressful. You have to choose which airport to fly into—a major centre like Warsaw Frederic Chopin Airport or a smaller one like Wrocław Nicolas Copernicus Airport. There are also many hotels to choose from.
After you decide on travel logistics, there is the question of what you will do while in Poland. You might decide to focus on the impressive gothic St. Mary’s church in Kraków or the Bochnia Royal Salt Mines. You might prefer to see nature on the Baltic coast or see Białowieża, Poland’s oldest national park. In a short visit to Poland, it can be tough to decide what exactly to see during a single trip.
With all the excitement of travel to Poland, you should not have to worry about staying in touch with friends and family back in the U.S. Giving your friends a long list of Polish hotel phone numbers isn’t a good solution either. After all, if you are new to Poland area codes, they can be a bit confusing. Happily, there is a better option. You can pack your Ooma phone number easily.
You don’t have to buy anything else. Instead, you simply need to download the free Ooma mobile app on your phone. If you forget to download it during packing, don’t worry. The app is quick to download. You can connect to the airport’s Wi-Fi and download the app at the start of your trip or before you take off. Once you have the Ooma mobile app downloaded, people can call you on the same phone number.
By the way, there’s just one small thing to keep in mind—time zone differences! Visit a website like before you go. Otherwise, you might call back home when everybody’s asleep.
Etiquette tips to enhance your calls to Poland.
Polish culture and etiquette is different from the United States in some respects. To make the most of your calls and minimize misunderstandings, keep these tips in mind.
- Be mindful of time. Punctuality is highly valued in Polish culture. Therefore, make an extra effort to attend phone calls on time.
- Gift gifting traditions. In addition to Christmas gifts, there is a custom of giving gifts in Poland, including birthdays and name days (i.e., Adam on December 24, Daniel on Dec 10). If you regularly talk to the same person in Poland, it might be helpful to check if they have a name day and make a reminder to give them a gift on that day. Offering such gifts can go a long way to deepen relationships with the people you regularly call in Poland.
- Polish holidays. Polish holidays and traditions are different and it is helpful to understand these events. Scheduling an important phone call or meeting on a major Polish holiday would not go over well. Major Polish holidays include Epiphany Day on January 6 (Trzech Króli), May Day or Święto Pracy on May 1, Constitution Day on May 3, Polish Armed Forces Day and Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary on August 15, and Christmas Day and St. Stephen’s Day on December 25-26.
Polish language. Taking the time to learn a few phrases in Polish will show people that you care about them. Important phrases include Cześć (“hello”), mam na imię ____. (“my name is ___”), and cześć (“bye”).